
GriefX was founded by Angel Hernandez. Although he was exposed to several deaths, one of them hit him really hard and it was then where he discovered grief that could sometimes not be easily overcome as he had expected. “You’ll get over it”, he thought. When such a thing did not happen, he sought out help and realized that dealing with grief is an issue that many struggle with but are unable to effectively tackle due to various reasons. He also became aware of the gender problem that men face in particular as grief affects both genders but for men, it can be more difficult to seek out help due to the fear of social stigma and their own egos. After taking some training and speaking with several individuals who were deeply affected by grief, he decided to start this organization to help out others.

We host free support group meetings on a monthly basis. Please visit this page to find out when the next one will take place. At the moment meetings are online due to COVID.